Sunday 14 October 2012

Artist Presentation: Wassily Kandinsky

My artist presentation was on Wassily Kandinsky. A Russian artist who defined the abstract movement during the the early 20th Century. His work took inspiration from surrealism and impressionist painters such as Monet. Kandinsky often talks of his jealousy towards musicians and the freedom they have to explore their art with various sound and notes. He began to practice this 'freedom' philosophy on canvas through the form of abstract art.

"A parallel between colour and music can only be relative - just as a violin can warm shades of tone, so yellow has shades, which can be expressed by various instruments"

He went on to create some of the most influential art such as Composition VII and Similar Circles. Inspiring such artists as Hans Hartung, Jackson Pollock and the action paint movement.

Composition VII

Similar Circles

Book References: 759.7 DVC 1866-1944: A Revolution in Painting
                                 759.4  The Journey to Abstracting
                                 704.948 Covering The Spiritual in Art

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